Socio Economic Development of Tribals in Mizoram (English) (Hardcover) Price: Rs. 550
The whole world is thinking in terms of Reconstruction. Nor construction can hope to be successful unless and until we thoroughly understand the spiritual and physical needs of the people whom we earnestly hope to assist along the road to a further and better life. This book is written with a deep knowledge and love of the people will help us to achieve the necessary understanding of the problems, which face us.This volume on different aspects and dimension of the aspirations and problems of the tribal people is of immense help to our country. The findings, suggestions,reflections and analytic exercises provide the foundations for the strategy of tribal development. The book is the outcome of a deep human concern, objective assessment of tribal problems through long association,and clear understanding of the political and administrative dimensions of tribal development. His practical and perceptive insights make a contribution of unique significance.This volume being compiled has presented the primary data and secondary data on such wide varieties of subjects, as Education, Health,Identity issues, Women, Genetic aspects of health, Village Council,Individual and Ritual life cycle,I n d u s t r i a l growth , Forestry,Rehabilitation issues, Voluntary organizations, various developmental issues and tribal art. There is a need for preparing database on tribal issues in India.